April 28, 2019

Most Common interview questions and how to answer them with confidence

Most Common interview questions and how to answer them with confidence

Reading Time : 5 min

Some common questions are asked within the first 5 minutes of every interview. Being prepared for these can help you make a good first impression. It can also give you the confidence for the rest of the interview.
Below are the questions and some possible answers.

Q: “Tell me about yourself…”
“I am Rina Krishnan. I am an Engineering graduate. I enjoy learning about the latest advancements in technology and have even received a special certification in coding.”

Q. “What is your greatest strength?”
“I am a team player. I am also very hardworking, and will do what it takes to get the job done.”

Q. “What is your greatest weakness?”
“I tend to trust people too easily. I am working on it.”

Q. “Why should we hire you?”
“I can prove to be a great asset to your company because I feel I possess the right qualities and skills required for this job.”

Q. “Why did you leave your last job?”
“In order to enhance my skillset, I am looking for better opportunities.”

Q. “What is your greatest accomplishment?”
“Being a part of the leading sales zone for 2 years has been my greatest accomplishment.”

Q. “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”
“I see myself as a senior sales manager in a multination

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