May 05, 2019

8 Websites where you can Teach English Online , Do you know you can use your English language skills to make money? Absolutely!

8 Websites where you can Teach English Online 

Do you know you can use your English language skills to make money? Absolutely! In this guide we are going to share 8 websites where you can teach English online and earn a stable income.
We are actually going to share the websites that allow people from all countries to join as English tutors. This can be a game changer for stay at home parents especially if they have good English speaking skills.
People from developing countries who don’t have good full-time jobs can also take advantage. Simple join the websites we’re going to share in this guide and follow the steps. Hopefully your online classroom will grow big in no time.
Teach English online and earn money

List of Online English Teaching Websites

Here’s a list of websites where you can Teach English and build your online career:
  1. Italki

    Italki is a popular online portal where students connect with teachers to learn more than 75 languages. When we say it’s a popular website we mean it because it has over 2 million registered students. More than 3000 teachers are currently teaching English and other languages to students regularly. You have the option to teach as little or as much as you want. Teaching schedule can be set as per your requirements.
    All you need to have is a PC with a good internet connection and a decent headset. Your PC should include a webcam and Skypeshould be installed. Teachers can build their reputation by getting good feedback scores from students. This will help them get more high paying English teaching jobs. Click here to join Italki.

    Payment Details

    Italki pays its teachers in the form of credits. 1 credit = $1 USD. When you teach students on Italki you earn credits. You can either choose to withdraw those credits in the form of cash or use them to learn languages from other teachers. Italki supports these payment methods: Paypal, Payoneer, Skrill, Alipay and Bank transfer.
  2. VerbalPlanet

    Just like Itaki, VerbalPlanet is another popular online portal where teachers can teach English online. Students have the option to browse through the Teachers directory to find the most suitable ones. Once you create your profile with VerbalPlanet you will be included in the Teachers directory. You can name your own price for your English teaching sessions. The most effective way to increase your students is by increasing your feedback score. If you have a decent feedback rating you will have more students coming your way.
    Skype is the main software that you need to start teaching on VerbalPlanet. Apart from English you can also teach other languages that you know. You will also be able to track your performance over the time. That way you can bring improvements to your teaching techniques. Click here to join VerbalPlanet.

    Payment Details

    VerbalPlanet pays through Paypal.Unfortunately people from countries where Paypal isn’t supported can’t take advantage of this opportunity.
  3. TutorABC

    TutorABC is one of the most famous websites that allows students from all over the world to learn English language. It’s basically a Chinese company that hires and pays English tutors to teach their native people. However, there is no country restriction. Students from anywhere in the world can join and take English language classes. Their hiring process is a bit complicated than other platforms. First you will need to create an account and enter your personal qualifications. Then you will have to Create a video of your introduction in English language. After that you will have to go through a Proficiency test that will decide whether you’re fit to be an English teacher. You will also have to go through a Preliminary Self-IT test to test your PC and Internet connection. Once you get selected you will have to undergo a probation period. You will be able to teach students and earn money during this period. Click here to join TutorABCPayment Details TutorABC pays the teachers through Bank Wire Transfers. Payment will be sent directly to the bank account. The amount of money you can earn depends on how many students you are teaching and your class’s feedback. Based on your feedback you can also earn different bonuses.  
  4. Cambly,  Cambly is an Android and iOS based mobile application that allows students to learn English from tutors worldwide. Tutors install the same application on their mobile to educate their students directly from their mobile interface. Students can try the app for free and their packages start from $9 per month. Tutors, on the other hand can earn money by teaching the students directly from their mobile phone. You can make your own schedule and start taking calls when you’re free. As a tutor you will also have the opportunity to know more about your student’s culture through chatting. You can connect to students from any country in the world. Tutors are paid $0.17 per minute which equals $10.20 per hour. Click here to join Cambly.Payment DetailsCambly pays tutors through Paypal. So you might want to make sure that Paypal works in your country before you can start working. Payments are made every Monday.
  5. Lingoda

    Lingoda is a famous online language school that allows students to learn English and other languages from expert teachers. Students have the option to have 1-on-1 teaching sessions with tutors or join a group in a virtual classroom. The system is extremely interactive and easy to use. They also provide certificates of completion after students complete particular courses. Students can add those certificates to their CV and use them to demonstrate their English skills.
    Lingoda offers a great opportunity to native English speakers to join their system and earn money by teaching English. As a teacher you only need to know how to work with Skype and PowerPoint. If you have experience with Zoom and WebRTC then that would be a plus. Salary is offered based on qualification and experience. Click here to join Lingoda.

    Payment Details

    Lingoda pays between €7 and €11 per hour to teachers. They pay through Paypal.
  6. Preply

    Preply is an online platform that allows students to take English classes from private tutors. Other languages are supported too. Students can search for tutors based on budget and geographical locations. Once students find their desired tutors they can request a lesson from them. Once the tutor accepts the request, students will have to make the payment.
    English speakers can benefit from this platform. You can create your profile and start looking for English teaching jobs through the job listing page HERE. You have the choice to select your own hourly rate and create your own schedule. Their most popular tutors earn up to $550 per week. The main key factors of success include your hourly rate, availability and profile quality. Click here to join Preply.

    Payment Details

    Preply pays it’s tutors through three payments gateways, namely Paypal,Payoneer and Skrill. Their commission rates range from 18 to 33% of hourly rates.
  7. Verbling

    Verbling is another popular platform that allow users to teach English and get paid. It provides students with a huge list of thousands of teachers to choose from. Students can choose their teachers based on their rating and hourly rates. Verbling provides students with an HD learning experience. They also have an online workplace where students can collaborate with teachers. As a student you can work on lesson plans, documents, worksheets and play cards.
    For teachers it’s a great platform because you get to choose your own hourly rates. As a teacher you can teach an unlimited number of private lessons. You only need a working Internet connection, a microphone and a webcam. You can teach students online with Verbling’s own chat software called Verbling VideoClick here to join Verbling.

    Payment Details

    Verbling pays its teachers through Paypal. New payments are released every Sunday. However, teachers can withdraw their payments anytime they want.
  8. SameSpeak

    Samespeak is a website that allows students to hire private English tutors. Each coaching session lasts 30 minutes. They also offer a free intensive mini-course for students who want to try it out. Students are able to hire their own personal coaches to ensure hassle-free experience.
    You can also join as an English teaching Coach and make money. Coaches can teach students in 1-on-1 30 minute sessions. You will earn $10 for each half hour session. To be able to work as a teacher you will need to install Skype on your PC. To signup as a Coach you will need to submit application through e-mail on

    Payment Details

    SameSpeak pays through Paypal. But there is a $100 threshold amount. You cannot cash out before your earnings reach $100. Payments are sent every Friday.
  9. For teaching subjects other than English we have published another guide on Online tutoring jobs. Those websites pay you to teach your favorite subjects online.

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